Posts in Well-Being
5 Ways to Optimize Your Gym Time

We've all been there. You're at the gym, you look at the clock and oopsie— an hour has passed by, and you've barely made a dent into your workout. Distractions can be plentiful at the gym, and the way in which you approach your workout will inevitably be reflected in the results you get. No one wants to be wasting time at the gym of all places, so make sure you're not half-assing your valuable time. Phoning it in for an hour at the gym taking selfies is not going to get you anywhere compared to a focused, efficient workout for 40 minutes. Learn how to optimize your gym time and efforts to get the most bang for your buck!

Make sure you're making the most of your time at the gym by keeping these 5 things in mind:

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4 Reasons Why Lack of Sleep Stalls Fitness Progress

There are 3 major components to overall physical well-being: Movement, Nutrition, and Recovery. People are really starting to get on that movement and nutrition train, but I would say that pretty much everyone is lacking in the regeneration department. Sleep/regeneration is the glue that keeps all three together. Let’s talk about why you should be prioritizing sleep above all, and HOW to do it:

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Being Present

The amount of times that I say out loud how I wish I had two bodies or two pairs of hands is a bit obnoxious. I have become the queen of multitasking and can easily type with one hand on my laptop while scrolling through my Twitter feed on my phone, while talking to my friend.

While that skill is something I would have boasted about back in college, I now actually despise my tendency to do this and the fact that I do this far more frequently than I would like. 

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Training Tuesday Roundup

Hello friends!

Real life training with my clients and my rehab work is taking precedent at the moment, so for this training Tuesday (and a later post than usual, sorry!), I present to you a fun little round-up of previous fitness related posts of mine you may have missed/may find useful:

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Build-a-Booty PART 1

Butt. Derrèire. Booty. Tail. Buttocks. Bootock. Badonk. Glutes. A**. Seat. Hiney. Rear. Behind. Backside. Hind. Caboose. Tailfeather. Arse. Britches. Tush. Fanny. Bum. Trunk. Money-maker. There is a grand reason why there is an endless amount of words for your butt. There are...

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Strength in Caring (and actually giving a shit)

Out of the problematic social phenomenons in our world, I think one of our worst is the lack of caring- or let me rephrase: the caring is there but for so long now we have been encouraged to play it cool and act blasé or indifferent. So when we're faced with actually showing feelings, we are paralyzed in fear of putting ourselves out there and actually revealing that we give a shit.

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