Grilled Garlicky Baby Zucchini

Just for a scaling reference, that plate is the size of my hand. And I can wear kid size gloves.

Just for a scaling reference, that plate is the size of my hand. And I can wear kid size gloves.

Going into Trader Joe's with a list of 5 things usually results in my walking out with 10. Their produce section always has really conveniently packaged fresh veggies that usually cut a few steps out of prep by pre-washing and/or cutting them up. 

Some baby zucchini jumped into my basket on my latest trip. I didn't know they even made zucchini this teeny. They looked so good on their own, I made things really simple for this quick side dish. In fact, I don't even need to lay out an official recipe for it.

HOW TO: Slice baby zucchini in half, length-wise. Heat up a pan on medium-high heat, lightly coating the pan with EVOO spray, generously sprinkle garlic powder, crushed red pepper, and a touch of salt on pan. Place zucchini cut-side down, grill each side for 2-3 minutes or until browned. Seriously, takes a total of maybe 7 minutes- stuff like this makes it way easier to get your veggies in!