Next Steps on the Journey

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity that has quickly resulted in a wonderful result of my taking the next steps in my career. The decision-making process, albeit rapid, was well-thought out, yet simple at the same time- I think of how I'm being fed.

We are all fed by many things in our lives. Family, friends, relationships, education, careers- the list goes on.

I'm a big believer that every component of your life should feed you in some way. Sure, there will be times where one section of your life feeds you more or less at a given moment, but it should always provide you with something- whether it is a challenge or reward.

When you feel that something is no longer serving a purpose and feeding your mind, soul, and/or spirit, it's time to re-evaluate the situation and understand why. Are you doing the proper work to reap the benefits out of it? Are you simply struggling? Or are you simply searching for something that is no longer there?

It's about knowing when to let something go.

For me, that time came two weeks ago when I realized it was time to leave my home for the past two years, Equinox.

I don't think I can quite summarize my time at Equinox to do it justice. My experience with the company has taught me so much about everything from training, the science behind it, the psychology behind it, the business aspect, and also a lot about myself as a human being. I can gladly say that I took advantage of every educational opportunity I had and I'm thankful to have had that experience.

But I had been feeling such a tug-of-war lately with all that I wanted to do, but lacked the time to do it all, and do it justice the way I want to.

So, I am taking the plunge from the safety of a nest, in order to build and charge towards what I want for myself at the end of the day. 

As all of you guys know, I've been posting quite infrequently the past two months as my full-time job had required so much time that I didn't have much of myself to give apart from that. I'm happy to say that this will be changing now. There are many a half-written article just waiting to be finished up and shared with you all.

I'll be taking on a few exciting projects in the near future, and can't wait to share them with you all. I'll still be doing personal training around the city as my main work, but I'll also soon be offering nutritional coaching, as well, alongside exploring all the crazy potential of this blogging experience, with partnerships, more photography, and other stuff TBA!

Thanks to all of you guys that have been showing me such support and encouragement- it truly means so much to me. So looking forward to all that lies ahead! 

LifestyleMinna Lee